Saturday, November 04, 2006

Everything About You!

One of my favorite pastimes is downloading. Actually, I am a download junkie. And one of the things I enjoy the most is downloading other people's private data. You know, many p2p sharing networks impose a sharing limit in order for you to be accepted so the question is:

"How are we gonna reach this limit???"

The easiest answer is:

"Share My Documents and my Windows directory!!!"

Voila! We have just reached some gigabytes of sharing! However, what all these folks do not take into account, is that their documents and Windows directory contain far more data than what they would like the world to know about them. Examples: your and your family's photographs, your dissertation, your resume, even your bank and credit card details and passwords! So, whenever I come across some folk who tries to "cheat" the p2p community by sharing crap, I very carefully dig into his share and download whatever one can imagine. Examples of staff I have downloaded only recently:
  1. A guy's whole mobile phone catalog!
  2. A guy's whole mobile photos catalog!
  3. Some dozen guys' dissertations and papers for their schools!
  4. A guy's resume with full home address, phones and name particulars! Not to mention, that it was scanned bearing the fax addressees!!!
This for, everybody should be more careful [much much much more careful] with what he decides to make public. Because - yeah! I am talking to you! - we may share things in order to bypass someone or something but let us keep in mind that what's exactly what these - once personal - things become: SHARED!

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