In order to land a new job nothing can help you as much as networking. Fortunately or unfortunately, no matter what university your degree was earned in, how many years of job experience you possess or how many skills you have acquired through the years, it is much much easier to appoint a job interview through one of your friends or acquaintances.
This is why once down and out the first thing you should do is call your friends and acquaintances and let them know you are on the lookout for a new job. Nothing to be ashamed about.
Furthermore, it is very important no matter what the circumstances of your disappointment, downsizing, laying off etc. that you keep a working relationship [even if this is limited to new year's wishes] with as many people as possible. You may as well do the following:
This is why once down and out the first thing you should do is call your friends and acquaintances and let them know you are on the lookout for a new job. Nothing to be ashamed about.
Furthermore, it is very important no matter what the circumstances of your disappointment, downsizing, laying off etc. that you keep a working relationship [even if this is limited to new year's wishes] with as many people as possible. You may as well do the following:
- Buy an agenda and keep it for life. Note down everyone you meet and write his job, phone and position with a pencil. After all, you are not the only one whose details change over the course of life!
- You may achieve the same result as above by using an address book software such as Microsoft Outlook or the Mozilla Thunderbird address book or even the Windows Address Book. CAUTION! Before you pledge allegiance to one software you like be sure you know how to back it up and transfer the data in case of a format, software data migration etc.
You may also use some networking website such as I will provide an overview of soon. For now, a YouTube video on LinkedIn may be found by clicking here.
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