Friday, December 22, 2006

# 0033 - Two podcasts to go up the drain

Not that they actually have the massive success [at the least the one of them]. But should you be curious about how a podcast sounds like you may want to try these two out:

  1. ABC Lost Official Podcast [sometimes a videocast!]
  2. HBR Idea Cast [brought to you by Harvard Business Review]
After having tried a couple of podcasts on you may have a hint into why the whole idea failed: who is in the mood of listening some guys talking for what could be even half an hour or more when you can just as easily grasp the gist out of some text?

# 0032 - Skype 3 is out

You can now download Skype 3 for good. Nothing new since the latest beta release. Just watch out to [not] check the extras section since you are about to be charged even over $75 for doubtful functionality.