Saturday, November 18, 2006

The arrow of time

This couple on June 17th every single year takes a photo of themselves.

Curious to see time passing over them on picture?

Click here.

One of the most interesting and educational [I am not kidding on that last one!] web pages I have ever seen.

Good work guys! Keep it up!!!

55 absolutely AMAZING photos!!!

On this page [in Russian] you will find some 55 really superb photos. Most of them are pattern-wise and very interesting for those interested in photography.

Well, well, well... I will provide you with a link which may not seem of any obvious use to you but when you will come across its need you will thank me the most. It is a site called and it hosts older versions of well known software, for example Internet Explorer, ICQ, Adobe Reader etc.

You may ask "And why should I be interested in that?"

Think of it: You have visited a friend who happens to run on Windows XP without any service pack so you cannot download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 without all the Windows XP Service Pack hassle. Instead, you go to and download Adobe Acrobat Reader 6. Voila! Problem solved!

Or maybe it could be you and your very old to run XP or Vista PC.

Pay a visit!

Their real name

Reginald Kenneth Dwight:
Who the heck is he? Hmmm, Elton John, isn't it?

Ever wondered what the real name of your favorite rock star is?

Well, you do not have to wonder anymore. You may look it up here.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Blogmusik [92/100]

Blogmusik claims to be a virtual ipod to you. It works pretty much the same as all customisable internet radios. You enter an artist and it is supposed to give you suggestions. But!!! Here, the program returns suggestions by the very artist you searched for!

Plus, it has an iPod like interface. Give it a try by clicking here.


Some really cool storms photos are waiting for you...

Don't Click It!!!!

The other day I came across a rather weird concept for a site. is an experiment about an interface that has nothing clickable on it and makes a stand for a web without clicks.

Instead, the website code is sensitive to the moves of your mouse and you can not find anything to click on!

Skype 3 Beta Out

I really think that you should give SkypeCasts a try! It is an amazing experience! Just click on the logo to go to the download page.

Cool cheating wife video

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Loser Blog

This must be by far the most unsuccessful blog ever! Almost no visits and average visit time almost 0:00!!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Landing a new job: Behind the scenes - [4]: "Why did you leave your last job?"

This is by far the most commonplace job interview question of them all [maybe with "Which is your biggest disadvantage/weakness?"]. There are really no fixed answers. Maybe you should judge by the cover on this one, i.e. try to figure out what type of person the interviewer you are dealing with is and go accordingly.

For example, with men it is easier to tell the truth, whereas with women you will inevitably have to come up with fancy answers. The case is, in any case, that this is a very stupid question because you only leave a job for one of the following reasons:

  1. Get fired
  2. They are idiots so you quit
  3. You see no light at the end of the tunnel so you leave to try something better
I cannot see the point in having to give some beautiful answer [in our case this is answer 3] only because the interviewer expects to hear one. This is more like taking your SAT rather than actually being interviewed for a job.

In any case, some nice answers to this question include:

  • When you have been fired:
    • I left my former employer because I was downsized.
    • I left my former employer because the offices moved and I could not follow.
  • When you resign:
    • I left because I could see no professional perspectives and I am a really ambitious and hard working person.
    • I left because I had completed my route in that company and I felt it was time to move on.
I am waiting for your comments and suggestions. Maybe we are able to come up with some killing answer after all.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Simpsons Movie trailers

I don't know about you people but I really adore these creatures so here are some of the trailers for the upcoming movie in 2007:

Windows Media Player 11: a must have [90/100]

I must say that I always loathed Microsoft Windows Media Players. Since Windows 98 with its greyish windows-styled appearance until recently in release 10.

It was always changing drastically [if not completely] from release to release and never user-friendly enough so as to prefer it over, say, Winamp. Let alone the fact that should Microsoft incorporate some really useful and facilitating to the use of the software feature, that was removed on the very next release!

However, with Windows Media Player 11 the above do not hold true. It is the very first time I actually not only use it, but use it as my main media player!!! A really lightweight application with an intuitive and beautiful interface plus the best, handiest and most functional library seen on media software to date.

The one feature I did not like is the home page of Windows Media having been removed but in any case I had never personally used this one.